Your Gratitude List - WAG Day 1

Do you have a friend who always seems to have a smile on her face? If so, there's a good chance that Suzy Sunshine is experiencing the benefits of gratitude. Being kind to others creates better relationships which cultivates happiness. Expressing appreciation means seeing the good in the world.
Here's how it worked in my world this past week. Many of our patients were stressed out from the Presidential election and came to balance for help. They were drowning in combative social media posts and negative news stories. I could relate to what they were going through as I was being pulled down the rabbit hole myself. My sleep was off, I was more reactive and less productive. After wallowing for a while, I knew I had to transform this energy and try to help. A lightbulb went on and I decided to offer a free stress relief clinic yesterday morning. It felt so wonderful to help people. Angela did reiki and I did acupuncture. When we were cleaning up afterwards, both of us commented how much WE had benefited from treating others. It was healing for us. So let me express our deepest gratitude for allowing us to share our talents with you. We gave and we received.
Here is an exercise to practice daily during WAG. Pull out those lovely journals and put pen to paper.
1. Every morning, write down 5 things you are grateful for.
2. Every night, write down 5 things from the day you are grateful for.
Here is an example of a few things on my Gratitude list:
- a delicious meal my husband prepared for me
- making someone smile
- the way the sunlight hit the autumn leaves
- a good nights sleep
- green lights all the way to work!
It can be something simple and small, or a big gesture. Anything that makes you feel grateful. Here are 3 question prompts to get your gratitude wheels turning.
1. What made me happy today?
2. Who has shown me kindness or compassion?
3. What inspired me?
If you want to take it a step further
Challenge yourself not to repeat the same gratitude items day after day.
Write longer journal entries about what you’re grateful for. Here are 50 gratitude questions to help you dig a little deeper from author Lori Deschene, founder of Tiny Buddha.
Start and end your day gratitude journaling every day this week. Revisit past entries when you need a boost. People will be calling you Suzy Sunshine too!