1. EAT SOMETHING. Don’t come on an empty stomach. No need to guzzle down a huge T-Bone, but a light meal is perfect. Once those endorphins start pumping, it will be helpful to have some sustenance in your belly. Otherwise, you may feel like you’ve had one too many glasses of champagne. I know that may sound appealing to some, but remember- you have to drive home afterwards. As much as we love to hear our patients say they wish they could hang around and have a nap or a good meditation sesh when their acupuncture treatment is finished, this is not the Hilton.

2. DO NOT COME UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS. You don’t need to! Do your best to come au naturel. Let the acupuncture do it’s thing and you’ll be feelin’ just fine! Licensed Acupuncturist Warning: Having acupuncture under the influence of recreational drugs confuses your qi and may not have the desired effect on your body, mind and spirit. Don’t waste your time or your money
3. WEAR LOOSE COMFORTABLE CLOTHES. You always have the option to wear one of our fashionable hospital gowns during treatment – they are stunning and provide ample air circulation for your backside. However, many of our patients prefer to stay in their own comfy clothing for treatment. So wear something loose, that leaves access to your arms and legs and the other areas that may need treatment.
4. GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK. Acupuncture treatments can take anywhere from 1 – 2 hours. Yes, you heard it right. We are the fine dining of the treatment world. No 10 minute drive-thru for us. You need to hang out for a while to let the needles do their thing. There’s nothing worse than achieving that “I’m Floating On a Cloud” feeling only to fall off when you are late for your next commitment.
5. SKIP THE COFFEE. I know it’s your morning ritual and you think it makes you feel alive and ready to conquer the world. But think flow, not conquer. You will find the treatment much more relaxing if you’re not jacked up on caffeine. Coffee is a stimulant which scatters your qi flow. Your acupuncturist needs a true reading of your energy and coffee gets in the way of that. If you have your acupuncture later in the day and you need that cup of joe, give yourself 3 hours to metabolize it before you get your needles on
6. TURN OFF YOUR CELLPHONE. This is your downtime. Don’t interrupt it with letting the outside world invade into this time you have scheduled to take care of yourself. Nothing is as important as your good health. Also, be considerate to others. Remember my fine dining reference in #4? Would you like it if the dude at the next table at Tavern on the Green was talking loudly on their cellphone? Probably not
7. FILL OUT YOUR PAPERWORK BEFORE YOUR INITIAL CONSULT /INITIAL TREATMENT. Complete your new patient paperwork when you can carve out some time to really think about the information we are asking for. Try not to leave areas blank as each section is helpful for our diagnostic process. You may wonder why certain questions are on there. Remember that Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic medicine, so we take into account all aspects of the Body Mind & Spirit. Make sure to write down or bring a list of any supplements and medications you are taking. Come in with completed paperwork in hand so you are not rushing through it during the time you are supposed to be receiving treatment. As my little Asian mama would tell me, do your homework!